
Thoughts of Worrying

  Total estimated reading time is 4 mins. I have come to realize how powerful our thoughts are in terms of the direction we are heading towards in our lives. We often do not stop to think about what we are thinking about that may be leading us towards thoughts of anxiousness and worrying. One thing I struggled with when I started on this journey was controlling my thoughts. I had always let all sorts of thoughts just run through my mind without taking them captive and bringing them to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). I allowed the enemy sow lies into my heart which then shaped and formed the decisions I was making. God intervened and the first thing He did was to set His house in order where my thoughts were concerned. I read a powerful book by  Joyce Meyer  called the  Battlefield of the Mind . I would greatly encourage you to read this if you haven’t already. It changed my perspective on how I thought about myself and my life. This is where I learned h...

Failure Does Not Define You

  Cain and Abel were two brothers who were taught on the ways of the Lord that they knew how to present offerings. Cain brought fruits and Abel brought the first born of his flock before the Lord. The Bible says in Genesis 4:4, "the Lord respected Abel and his offering, but He did not respect Cain and his offering". God is no respecter of persons and does not show partiality (Acts 10:34), so why did God respect the offering of Abel and not Cain? Cain's countenance fell when he saw that his brother's offering was more pleasing to God than the offering he presented. Cain showed that he was not coachable and teachable because he refused to accept that he failed when his offering was not favored by God. Cain was so distraught about his offering not being accepted that it drove him to anger that he went and murdered Abel. If we think about it, he should have asked himself why was his offering not accepted. I am sure Cain was going to have opportunities to learn from this f...